pixelcade| Guanghong Technology: The company's in-depth cooperation with leading companies in related industries will bring considerable space to the company

Fitness 2024-04-29

Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center, April 28, some investors asked Guanghong Technology (300735)(300735), and the company accumulatedpixelcadeThese high-quality customers mainly include Huawei, Glory, Xiaomi, Huaqin Technology (603296), Longqi Technology (603341), Wentai Communications, Valeo, Nokia and other industry leaders. How much can they bring to the company?pixelcadeOrder size?

The company replied, Hello, Dear Investor! According to relevant statistics, the EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services) industry is a huge market with a scale of more than 3 trillion yuan and is growing. Among them, the total sales growth rate of the world's top 50 EMS has reached 8-10% per year in the past few years. Consumer electronics, represented by mobile phones, and automotive electronics, which are growing at a very high rate, are undoubtedly the most important components of the EMS industry. The company's in-depth cooperation with leading companies in related industries will bring considerable space to the company. Thank you for your attention, thank you!

pixelcade| Guanghong Technology: The company's in-depth cooperation with leading companies in related industries will bring considerable space to the company

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