3cardpokerrules| Attention car owners! Adjust the oil price tonight, filling up a box of No. 92 gasoline will cost 2.5 yuan less

Fitness 2024-04-29

[[Microphone] Attention to car owners3cardpokerrules!# Fuel is cheaper for May Day travel ###Adjust oil prices tonight #] According to the price monitoring center of the National Development and Reform Commission3cardpokerrulesDuring the current round of refined oil price adjustment cycle (April 16-April 28), international oil prices fell slightly. On average, London Brent and New York WTI oil prices fell 2.5 percent from the previous round of price adjustment cycles.3cardpokerrules.22%。CCTV financial reporters learned from the National Development and Reform Commission today that starting from 24:00 on April 29, domestic gasoline and diesel will be reduced by 70 yuan per ton. National average: No. 92 gasoline is reduced by 0 per liter3cardpokerrules.05 yuan; No. 95 gasoline is reduced by 0.06 yuan per liter; No. 0 diesel is reduced by 0.06 yuan per liter. The reporter calculated for you. Based on the estimated 50L capacity of a typical household car fuel tank, filling up a box of No. 92 gasoline will cost less than 2.5 yuan.

(Reporter Ping Fan Sun Yonghui)

Source: CCTV Finance

3cardpokerrules| Attention car owners! Adjust the oil price tonight, filling up a box of No. 92 gasoline will cost 2.5 yuan less

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