rpgcrypto|获上海区域快递驿站运营资质 拼多多涨超7.5%

Fitness 2024-05-03

Zhitong Finance learned that on Thursday, PDDrpgcrypto.US) shares rose, rising more than 7.5% at US$133.87 as of press time. On the news front, Shanghai Yucan Information Technology Co., Ltd.(the operating entity of "Duoduo Shopping") has obtained an administrative license to "open a service station to operate express delivery services (except letters)" in Shanghai. The specific issuance time is September 2023. On the 21st of the month, it is valid until September 20, 2028. This means that Dianduo hasrpgcryptoQualified to open a station in Shanghai.

rpgcrypto|获上海区域快递驿站运营资质 拼多多涨超7.5%

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