roulettepromotions| Gujing Group Liang Jinhui's latest speech: The power of belief

Fitness 2024-04-14

Special topic: heavy weight! The head liquor enterprises are all here! The 13th Chinese Liquor T9 Summit held

roulettepromotions| Gujing Group Liang Jinhui's latest speech: The power of belief

The 13th China Liquor T9 Summit was solemnly held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province on April 12. At the summit, Liang Jinhui, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd., delivered a speech entitled "the power of confidence and the power to forge ahead".

RoulettepromotionsHe pointed out that it is necessary to "build confidence, consolidate the source, and increase value."

To "build confidence", we should believe in the power of trust. Looking back on the way forward, human beings have created a brilliant wine culture. Good wine can always adapt to the changes of history and the times, cross the rapids and dangerous shoals in a flexible manner, reconverge into a river, and finally become a majestic trend. Based on the present, under the advocacy of China Wine Industry Association, the industrial ecology has been continuously optimized, and China's wine industry is on the road of healthy development and high-quality development. Looking to the future, China's economic development still has good support and many favorable conditions, the value of famous wine is further highlighted, and the new quality productivity of the industry is speeding up.

To "consolidate the source", we must adhere to the strength of persistence. In order to consolidate the source of technology, Gujing attaches great importance to the training of professionals and strives to train a group of wine craftsmen who are willing to study, skilled, knowledgeable and innovative. It is necessary to consolidate the source of wind and soil, give further play to the advantages of producing areas, create green highlands, and protect wine-making treasures. It is necessary to consolidate the source of innovation, be based on tradition, uphold innovation, and be good at developing and applying new quality productive forces, so as to consolidate the foundation and cultivate resources for high-quality development.

To "mention value", it is necessary to stimulate the power to forge ahead. "Truth, goodness and beauty" is the "meaning in the theme" of the high-quality development of China's wine industry, and it is also a necessary way to enhance the value of China's wine industry. On the basis of the enterprise values of "being a real person, brewing fine wine, improving its body and benefiting the world", Gujing Group has opened the Gujing "three products Project" with "truth, goodness and beauty" as the core. Adhere to the quality of truth, focus on wine brewing; adhere to good conduct, focus on social responsibility; adhere to the brand beauty, focus on cultural value. Gujing Group absorbs nutrients from Chinese excellent traditional culture and puts forward the corporate aesthetic proposition of "the beauty of Sigong", that is, contributing beauty to brighten life with quality wine, enjoying beauty and nourishing spirit with cultural wine, and communicating emotion with value wine; the beauty of Gonghe, ecological wine and Heaven.

Liang Jinhui said that Gujing Group is willing to work with other brother wine enterprises to contribute more wine and create greater value to the better life of the people with better products and better services under the guidance of the China Wine Association.

The China Liquor Summit has been successfully held for 13 times since it was first held in Taiyuan in 2012. 2024 is not only a key year for the implementation of the 14th five-year Plan, but also a key year for promoting the high-quality development of China's wine industry. The summit points out the direction for the future development of Chinese liquor. The head liquor enterprises will work together to promote the fragrance of Chinese liquor in the world and strive to make it the language of the world.

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