picade| Plinio Innocenti, former scientific and technological counselor at the Italian Embassy in China: Scientific and technological innovation is based on the rule of law

Health 2024-04-28

The rule of law is crucial to optimizing scientific and technological innovation governance. Only based on the rule of lawpicadeOnly by scientific and technological innovation can we truly serve the development of society and the well-being of the people.

The rule of law is not only a constraint on scientific and technological innovation, but also a guidance and regulation of scientific and technological innovation. It is an effective means to achieve scientific and technological governance.

From data privacy to algorithmic bias, we need to find an appropriate legal framework to balance the relationship between technological innovation and social stability.

picade| Plinio Innocenti, former scientific and technological counselor at the Italian Embassy in China: Scientific and technological innovation is based on the rule of law

This is not only a test of theory, but also a challenge to our social wisdom and moral concepts.

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