classicvideogames| Haide Control (002184.SZ): Termination of material asset reorganization matters

Health 2024-04-29

Gelonghui April 28 丨 Haide Control (002184)(002184classicvideogames.SZ) announcedclassicvideogames, the company originally planned to purchase 75% of the equity of Shanghai Xingzhida Automation Technology Co., Ltd. by issuing shares and paying cash. At the same time, the company planned to issue shares to no more than 35 qualified specific investors to raise matching funds. Since the launch of this material asset reorganization, the company and relevant parties have actively promoted various tasks of this material asset reorganization and fulfilled information disclosure obligations in strict accordance with relevant regulations. Taking into account the recent changes in the market environment and other factors, all parties to the transaction believe that it is highly uncertain to continue to advance this major asset reorganization at this stage. In order to effectively safeguard the interests of the company and all shareholders, after careful study, the company and all parties to the transaction plan to negotiate to terminate this material asset reorganization.

classicvideogames| Haide Control (002184.SZ): Termination of material asset reorganization matters

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