cocktailarcademachine| Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Chargers for electric bicycles will welcome new standards

Health 2024-04-29

Every reporter, Zhang Rui, every editor, Chen Xu.

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has openly solicited opinions on the No. 1 revision of the mandatory National Standard for Safety Technical requirements for Electric Bicycle Chargers (draft for soliciting opinions). The deadline is May 24, 2024.

The draft clearly states that this document is not applicable to charging facilities such as charging / changing cabinets, charging piles and fast charging stations for electric bicycles.

This consultation draft proposes that the charger for electric bicycles shall not be designed, manufactured and used in vehicle form.

At the same time, it is clear that the charger should be coded. The charger code adopts a 13-bit code structure and is composed of three parts, followed by the production enterprise code, the production year code and the model specification code from left to right, separated by "-" in the middle. The content of the traceability code of the charger should be explained in the specification or specification.

In addition, the code should be marked on the permanent high temperature resistance sign. Put the code sign into the reheating furnace of (950 ±10) ℃ and keep it at this test temperature.Cocktailarcademachine.5 hours. Then take out the coding sign and cool it naturally to room temperature in air. The identification information should be complete and clear after the test.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology mentioned in the note on the preparation of the No. 1 amendment order that the working group first discussedCocktailarcademachineAccording to the requirements of the brief letter of the department and bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, combined with the implementation opinions of the standard in the past year, the recent fire accidents are analyzed, and the principle and structure of the vehicle charger appeared in the process of 3C certification of electric bicycles are dissected. At the same time, refer toCocktailarcademachineIn this paper, the coding requirements of lithium-ion battery for electric bicycle and electric bicycle are introduced, the preliminary modification order is drafted, the Wechat group is established for online discussion, and the first draft is revised and improved. After many discussions and revisions, the V9 draft revision sheet was formed, and through consensus of the working group, the National Standard No. 1 revision list of Safety Technical requirements for Electric Bicycle Chargers (draft for soliciting opinions) was completed.

It is also mentioned in the note that during the drafting process of the draft for soliciting opinions, the main drafting units and drafters were convened to conduct discussions. It explains the needs of the current situation and tasks, and the implementation of relevant policy requirements will increase the permanent mark of high temperature resistance and ban the vehicle charger, without major differences.

With regard to the proposed ban on on-board chargers, Yao Shengguo, a senior analyst at Sadie Consulting Automotive Industry Research Center, said in a telephone interview with the Daily Economic News that the proposed ban on on-board chargers is mainly out of safety concerns. I am worried about fire, because once the electric bicycle catches fire, the fire spreads very fast, especially if some users illegally put it in the corridor, once there is a fire. The harm will be relatively great, and there may even be a chain reaction.

As for the provision to increase the permanent mark of high temperature resistance, Yao Jianguo believes that the charger should have a code, and the code should be marked on the permanent high temperature resistance sign, which can promote the traceability management of charger information.

cocktailarcademachine| Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Chargers for electric bicycles will welcome new standards

It is also mentioned in the note that the draft for soliciting opinions will implement the proposal for the transitional period of six months. Due to the increase of the permanent mark of high temperature resistance, it will take some time for enterprises to improve the design and upgrade the production equipment. It is suggested that the transition period between the release date of the draft for solicitation of opinions and the implementation date should be set at 6 months to ensure that the production enterprises can fully digest and understand it and ensure the implementation of the document.

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