blockchaingames2021|午盘:CPI报告后美债收益率攀升 道指跌逾500点

Health 2024-04-11



















  达科塔财富高级投资组合经理Robert Pavlik表示:“通胀数据比预期火热,无论是整体还是核心数据,这都推动了期货的下跌,因为数据表明了通胀具有粘性,以及美联储在2024年要么减少降息次数,要么根本不降息的可能性。我不认为这说明有必要加息,但股市必须重新定价,以适应通胀数据带来的不同环境。”


  AmeriVet Securities美国利率交易和策略主管Gregory Faranello表示:“强于预期的CPI证实,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)将在降息问题上采取更为谨慎的态度。这也支持了我们短期看空美国国债市场的观点,因为我们正在努力克服通往2%的通胀道路上的障碍。”

  摩根大通资产管理公司首席全球策略师David Kelly表示,这份报告显示美联储6月份降息的大门已经关上。

  LPL Financial首席全球策略师Quincy Krosby表示,如果3月CPI通胀数据高于预期,可能导致今年美股在年初上涨后出现严重回调。

  有“新美联储通讯社”之称的财经记者Nick Timiraos指出,鉴于美联储官员对1月和2月的通胀数据反应不足,3月份再度火热的通胀数据可能会导致美联储产生“过度反应”。


  Index Fund Advisors公司高级副总裁、《投资美国金融史:观往知来》一书的作者马克-希金斯(Mark Higgins)表示:称,美联储并不急于降低基准利率。此前关于央行计划在年底前多次降息的预期似乎已不太可能实现。


This time, he said, the central bank is likely to be very cautious, even if it means keeping interest rates high for longer. "my intuition is that they are aware of the risks and will not relax prematurely," he added.

In addition to Wednesday's inflation report, investors are waiting for the Fed to release the minutes of its March monetary policy meeting, hoping to find further clues to policymakers' position on expected interest rate cuts this year.

Focus stocks

Morgan Stanley raised its target price for Nvidia to $1000 on Wednesday from $795.

On Tuesday, Intel launched the Gaudi 3 AI chip at a "fraction" of the cost of the Nvidia H100 chip and announced it had won contracts from companies such as Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Lenovo. Nvidia said that compared with the Nvidia H100, the Gaudi 3 improved training performance by 170%, reasoning ability by 50%, and efficiency by 40%, but the cost was much lower.

blockchaingames2021|午盘:CPI报告后美债收益率攀升 道指跌逾500点

Morgan Stanley said it cut Boeing's target price from $235 to $180, maintaining a "neutral" rating, given the slowing pace of delivery.

"Indian Business online" 10 local time quoted sources as saying that the US electric car manufacturer Tesla is in talks with India's Reliance Industries to discuss the establishment of a joint venture and a plant in India.

In addition, a person familiar with the matter said that Musk will visit India on April 22 local time to meet with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is reported that Musk is expected to announce news related to Tesla's investment plan and building a factory in India.

Tesla has been slashing the price of Model Y in North America, sparking speculation that the model is trying to clear inventory before it is updated. On April 10, the relevant person in charge of Tesla told the Securities News reporter that the North American region will not launch a modified Model Y this year.

In addition, foreign media reported that Tesla is developing a Model Y project codenamed "Project Juniper", and there are also rumors that the Shanghai super factory will start producing the modified Model Y in mid-2024. Tesla also made it clear that for the Chinese market, there is no plan to change the Model Y this year.

Apple has assembled $14 billion worth of iPhone in India in fiscal year 2024, according to media reports on Wednesday. The Indian government's fiscal year usually begins on April 1 and ends on March 31 of the following year.

Apple currently produces about 1/7 of its global iPhone devices in India, according to people familiar with the matter. It is worth mentioning that the latest release of Indian production data has doubled from a year ago. According to a report a year ago, Apple assembled more than $7 billion of iPhone in India in 2023 and produced nearly 7 per cent of its iPhone in India.

At the Google Cloud Next 2024 event, technology giant Google announced a major development: its first Arm-based CPU designed specifically for data centers, named Axion. The new processor marks Google's latest breakthrough in cloud computing hardware, aimed at improving data center performance and energy efficiency.

According to the official website of the Drug Evaluation Center of the State Drug Administration (CDE), the application for clinical trials of the class 1 new drug Amycretin tablets by the Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nord has been accepted. It is reported that this is a long-acting co-agonist of oral GLP-1 receptor and amylin receptor developed by Novo Nord, which is a new generation of weight loss therapy. In Novo Nord's recently published small phase 1 clinical trial, patients lost 13.1% of their weight after 12 weeks of treatment with the product (1.1% in the vs placebo group).

Delta expects adjusted earnings of $2.2 to $2.50 per share in the second quarter, compared with a market estimate of $2.23.

Faraday announced the establishment of a sales entity in the Middle East in the future.

Ma Yun said Alibaba has returned to the track of healthy growth.

TSMC's sales rose 34.3% in March from a year earlier.

Xiaopeng Auto official announced that he officially entered the Hong Kong and Macao market.

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