
Health 2024-04-12

Newsletter summary

When the flowers are in bloom in springWhirlwindpinballThe construction steel market has rebounded in April. As of April 11, the national average price of rebar reached 3557 yuan per ton, up 3% from the beginning of the month.Whirlwindpinball.01%. The rigid demand is gradually released, the operation activity of the current basis is increased, and the inventory is gradually digested. Driven by the rebound in the futures market, market sentiment has improved, and spot prices of building materials are expected to continue to follow the trend of the futures market.

Text of news flash

The construction steel market has rebounded in April.

When spring is in full bloom, the construction steel market finally ushered inWhirlwindpinballThe long-awaited rebound.

As of April 11, the average price of rebar in the national mainstream market reached 3557 yuan per ton, up 3% from the beginning of the month.Whirlwindpinball.01%.

The rigid demand is gradually released, and the activity of the current basis operation is also improved.


Inventory gradually digested, driven by a rebound in the futures market, market sentiment has also improved.

In the near future, the spot price of building materials is expected to follow the rebound of the futures market.

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