
Health 2024-04-13

Special topic: the 13th China Liquor T9 Summit

According to the news of Jun tasting winePokerhandguide, April 12thPokerhandguideThe 13th Chinese Liquor T9 Summit with the theme of "Building confidence, strengthening the Source and raising value" was held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. Wang Diqiang, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager of Xijiu Group, was invited to attend and make an exchange speech.

▲ Wang Diqiang made an exchange speech.

Wang Diqiang systematically introduced the development of Xijiu and shared his understanding and understanding of the theme of this summit. He said that "building confidence" is to maintain cultural confidence, quality confidence, brand confidence, team confidence, market confidence, and development confidence. To "consolidate the source" is to adhere to cultural expression, ecological development and skill inheritance. To "mention value" is to enhance experience value, cultural value, social value and economic value. "offering wine for a better life" is not only the original mission of China Wine Industry Association, but also the common pursuit of every brewer. To study and explain the scientific truth and cultural connotation of Chinese liquor should also become the eternal theme of T9 enterprises.

Wang Diqiang also shared his three thoughts on the development of China's liquor industry.

First, stick to the bottom line of quality and build a solid foundation for development with "excellent quality". Quality is the foundation of cultivating the brand, promoting the core of the brand and the cornerstone of the brand value. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of industry concentration, the major wine enterprises adhere to the quality bottom line, continue to explore and innovate, increase R & D investment, and courageously climb the peak of scientific and technological innovation. Xi Liquor is also working hard to strengthen its quality foundation, steadily improve its quality, consolidate its development foundation, and hope to work with brother enterprises to continuously promote the "quality clarity" of Chinese liquor, and explore the "wine-making concept" of microorganisms from a scientific level. explain the flavor expression of Chinese liquor, further uncover the "mysterious veil" of Chinese liquor, and explain the cultural and technical connotation of Chinese liquor to global consumers in an easy-to-understand language.


The second is to persist in respecting consumers and polish the background of the brand with "excellent service". The development of Chinese liquor has experienced the era of price, channel and brand. At present, it has entered an era of people-oriented and consumer-centered. The development of China's liquor industry should conform to the consumption trend, meet consumers' yearning for a better life, establish sincere and close ties with consumers, respect and serve consumers attentively, and change from selling alcohol to selling their way of life. only by deeply ploughing in the market and in the hearts of consumers can the road of development be clear, stable and good!

The third is to adhere to cultural heritage and enter the international market with "excellent culture". At present, China's liquor industry has entered a deep adjustment cycle, and the consumption of international distilled spirit is becoming more and more popular in China. Behind the competitiveness of Chinese liquor is the test of cultural endurance and cultural wisdom, which requires Chinese liquor enterprises to strengthen unity and cooperation. Strengthen cultural self-confidence, road self-confidence, and jointly promote Chinese liquor industry culture from "corporate culture era" to "industrial culture era". To promote the liquor industry symbolized by Chinese culture to take root in the international market, but also to consolidate a stronger centripetal force for Chinese liquor from the domestic market to the international market.

▲ Summit site

Since 2012, China Liquor T9 Summit has been held for 13 consecutive sessions, reflecting the development track of the industry with 13 annual themes, and has become a weather vane for all sectors of society to observe the development of liquor industry. At this summit, the China Liquor Industry Association and nine liquor enterprises, including Maotai, Wuliangye, Yanghe, Fenjiu, Luzhou laojiao, Gujinggong Liquor, Xi Liquor, Lang Liquor and Jiannanchun, gathered together to actively make suggestions and suggestions to explore new directions for the high-quality development of Chinese spirits and help China's liquor industry to create new brilliance.

The 13th ▲ China Liquor T9 Summit

The brew of a gentleman is harmonious but different, and beauty is shared with beauty. As a member of the Chinese liquor family, Xijiu will shoulder the mission of the times together with the major liquor enterprises, adhere to long-term doctrine, unswervingly strengthen national brands, inherit Chinese culture, and carry forward oriental civilization. jointly contribute to the high-quality development of China's liquor industry.

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