bingoshowdownfreeticketsdaily| Red dates-The arrival of goods in the sales area has been significantly reduced, and the enthusiasm for picking up goods has been improved.

Health 2024-04-22

As the temperature picks upBingoshowdownfreeticketsdailyJujube trees in the main producing areas of Xinjiang entered the budding stage of the new season. Grey jujube in the production and marketing area is mainly stored in the warehouse, and some merchants go to the production area to sweep the goods before storage. Jujube sample point inventory continues to decline, market transactions to parking area low-end price arrival, customers have their own goods high-price goods under pressure. However, downstream merchants sell as they buy, replenish goods on demand, and the volume of goods in the post-holiday market has increased. At present, the arrival of goods in the sales area has significantly decreased, and the enthusiasm of taking goods in the short term has been improved, supporting the red jujube market in the short term. Operationally, it is recommended that red jujube 2409 contract short-term wait and see.

Researcher: Cai Yuehui

Futures qualification number: F0251444

Futures investment consulting certificate number: 20013101

Assistant researcher: Li Qiurong

bingoshowdownfreeticketsdaily| Red dates-The arrival of goods in the sales area has been significantly reduced, and the enthusiasm for picking up goods has been improved.

Futures qualification number: F03101823


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