mortalkombatarcadegame| Watson Biotech: The company's bivalent HPV vaccine has completed on-site verification and is undergoing final review of the data. It is expected that the final confirmation will be made this year

Tourism 2024-04-13

Flush (300033) Financial Research Center, April 12, 2004, some investors asked Watson Biology (300142) (300142). I think many operations of Watson Biology are confusing. I hope to explain clearly the motivation and specific progress. And give a summary and improvement measures for the matters that have not been implemented. Include the followingMortalkombatarcadegame: 1Mortalkombatarcadegame. Abbott cooperates with mRna projectMortalkombatarcadegame; 2Mortalkombatarcadegame. Beijing Chimpanzee Project Cooperation Project; 3.hpv2 price pq progress and adoption possibility; 4. Production capacity activation or disposal plan of new plant areas in Guangdong, Yuxi and Beijing; 5. Why the sales cost is high and the sales situation has not been opened in the past three years; 6. With high deposits and a sharp fall in share prices, the company insists on refinancing and stingy on dividends, and buybacks are not completed according to the upper limit.

The company replied, "Hello, dear investors!" The company's bivalent HPV vaccine has now completed on-site verification, is undergoing a final review of the data, and is expected to make a final confirmation this year. According to the pace of business development, the company continues to promote the construction of industrial bases in Daxing District of Beijing, Nansha District of Guangzhou City and Yuxi Vaccine Industrial Park, and the specific progress will be based on the progress of product research and development, market demand and other conditions, overall planning. The company's sales expense rate is at the average level of comparable companies in the same industry, and the company will continue to strengthen the work related to increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, improving quality and increasing efficiency, and the cost input needs to match the enterprise development stage, strategic layout, market competition pattern and industry maturity. At present, the space of China's vaccine industry is still large, overseas market space is also broad, the company is in the stage of domestic and foreign market expansion, must rely on considerable intensity of resource investment to ensure long-term development in the future. The vaccine industry has the characteristics of high investment, high barriers, high return and long cycle. The company's funds need to be arranged as a whole for daily operation, production transformation, project research and development, and cash outflow from operating activities is also increasing. The company still needs to keep reserve funds to meet operational needs. The profit distribution plan of the company in 2023 is that the company intends to distribute 15.9935 million yuan in cash dividends to all shareholders in 2023. At the same time, the transaction amount of 72.1978 million yuan (excluding transaction costs) for repurchase shares in 2023 is regarded as the amount of cash dividends, totaling 88.1913 million yuan. The actual dividend amount is much higher than the relevant required proportion and the general level of the market. Thank you!

mortalkombatarcadegame| Watson Biotech: The company's bivalent HPV vaccine has completed on-site verification and is undergoing final review of the data. It is expected that the final confirmation will be made this year

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