vip99slot| Dongfeng Motor's car sales increased by 15.78% last year, new energy and export business accelerated

Tourism 2024-04-13

The evening of April twelfthVip99slotDongfeng Motor (600006) disclosed its 2023 annual report. The company achieved 15% of car sales last yearVip99slot.130 million vehicles, an increase of 15.78% over the same period last year; realized operating income of 12.069 billion yuan, down 0.98% from the same period last year; net profit of 200 million yuan, down 29.83% from the same period last year; basic earnings per share of 0.1 yuan; and cash dividends of 0.301 yuan per 10 shares (including tax).

Dongfeng Motor is the leading light vehicle operation solution provider in China. Since listing, the company's business layout has expanded from Xiangyang to Wuhan and Shiyan. Models have also developed from the original light truck to small light truck, bus, VAN and other products; while developing traditional fuel vehicles, we should vigorously develop new energy vehicles to meet the differentiated needs of customers in many ways.

According to the annual report, Dongfeng Motor will continue to promote transformation and upgrading in 2023, focusing on market development, manufacturing upgrading, commodity research and development, and management improvement. For example, in terms of marketing, the company adjusts the allocation of resources, continuously promotes the market-oriented organizational reform and business model transformation, deepens the layout of the domestic fuel industry, and promotes the joint transformation and upgrading of dealers and the company; focus on the reform of the marketing mode of the new energy cause and accelerate the transformation of the marketing model and the construction of the ecosystem. Strengthen the network layout of overseas undertakings, focus on "innovative sea-going mode", expand the scale of overseas business, and promote overseas undertakings to become bigger and stronger.

Through a series of combined punches, Dongfeng Motor's new energy and export business achieved an "acceleration" in 2023, mass entrepreneurship and innovation reached an all-time high, and the LCV industry rose to the third place.

In terms of products, light truck sales were 139300, an increase of 18.19% over the same period last year, and bus and chassis sales were 11600, an increase of 4.55% over the same period last year. According to the market, there were 105300 domestic fuel vehicles, up 2.64 percent from the same period last year, 31000 new energy vehicles, up 49.67 percent, and 15200 overseas exports, up 90.56 percent from the same period last year.

vip99slot| Dongfeng Motor's car sales increased by 15.78% last year, new energy and export business accelerated

During the reporting period, Dongfeng Motor continued to increase its technical research and development investment in a full range of new products, new energy, intelligent network connection, lightweight, hybrid and other directions, focusing on R & D capability planning, around commodity development, five chemical innovation, R & D value and other aspects of R & D capacity building.

Specifically, the Caput hybrid model to achieve mass production; the new generation of Dolica D9 to complete the logistics market products upgrade; Yufeng V9 development of economical models, the development of overseas version, put into the overseas market; complete the development of a new displacement model.

In 2023, the domestic light commercial market showed restorative growth. The LCV market sold 1.6846 million vehicles for the whole year, an increase of 18.82% over the same period last year. Dongfeng Motor predicts that the overall size of the LCV market in 2024 will reach 1.8 million vehicles, an increase of 7 per cent over the same period last year.

For the 2024 industry outlook, Dongfeng Motor believes that the domestic fuel market still shows a slow and restorative growth trend, and the market size is basically the same as that in 2023; in the new energy market, with the continuation of the vehicle purchase tax exemption policy, the further promotion of new energy vehicles and infrastructure construction to the countryside, trade-in for new and other measures, will further stimulate market vitality and consumption potential, new energy urban distribution logistics will accelerate infiltration In the export market, with the continuous improvement of the product competitiveness of China's automobile industry and domestic manufacturers to strengthen the development of overseas markets and other factors, the overseas export market will continue to grow.

According to the business plan, in 2024, Dongfeng Motor will continue to promote "commodity leading, efficiency-driven and international operation" around the three major domestic fuel, new energy and overseas market strategies, and strive to achieve the annual business target of selling 185000 units and earning 16.935 billion yuan. Among them, in the new energy cause, accelerate the construction of new energy innovative business model, strengthen channel construction, strengthen vehicle operation capacity, promote the development of operational commodities, realize the accelerated development of new energy; in the export cause, strengthen strategic guidance, promote model innovation, promote network construction, strengthen key market cultivation, and achieve overseas leapfrog breakthroughs.

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